A striking image from 1972 by Friedensreich Hundertwasser titled Homage to Schroeder-Sonnenstern. It is work number 715 and from an edition of 4200 of which this is number 2860. It is a silkscreen collage with foil embossing. In good condition with some minor toning or foxing at the edges but we had it nicely framed. The artists’ comment on the work from his website:
Hundertwasser’s comment on the work
One of the few pictures I painted together with other painters, such as with Brô, or where others just added something to my pictures, such as Neuffer or Kito. In this silkscreen print I only did the margin and the bottom portion and printed the apples in metallic-stamping. Sonnenstern did an Adam, a man with a head, but withered and barren, and this woman, Eve, who may have no head, but is full of fruits and blossoms. (from: Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Vol. 2, Taschen, Cologne, 2002, p. 836)
From the artist website about the specific of the work:
HWG 56
Published by: Ars Viva , Zürich , 1972
Sheet: 1000 x 700 mm
Image: 860 x 645 mm
Silk screen in 8 colours with metal imprints in 5 colours and (original graphic only) an electrostatic application of felt fibrils
Printed by: Dietz Offizin, Lengmoos, Bayern / Bavaria, 1972, in cooperation with Günter Dietz
a) 416 (not 420 as originally planned), signed by Hundertwasser and by Sonnenstern,
and numbered 1-416/416, on white paper (original graphic)
b) 4,200 posters, imprint-signed: “Hundertwasser” and “Sonnenstern”, and mechanically numbered 1-4200/4200, on gray-brown paper
Total edition of 4,616
Private collection JOMA
Peter Infeld Privatstiftung, Vienna